To begin with, it’d be perceived that the identification of the sex of a tiger barb isn’t a simple task, particularly for the non — professionals.
A fish reaches its sexual maturity on an average of 6 to 12 months. However, the primary distinctions between women and men can well be recognized as quickly as 3 months. It’s at this very age when a color of a male one becomes lighter, whilst a few species have characteristics.
Later on, the fish start to change in behavior& size. The most obvious differences are usually seen once they hit puberty. The females then can be identified by their calmer behavior and rounded belly.
Consider the below-mentioned features of sexual features in different kinds of tiger barb
The major difference between a male & female tiger barb
In a Sumatra variety
- Generally, males are a lot smaller and possess a flatter body.
- Whilst, females possess a rounded belly, particularly evident on the evening of spawning.
- Men tend to be on the brighter end when compared to women.
- Male fishes are quite active, where they can be seen arranging their fights among themselves. They may end up showing a bit of aggression on seeing smaller representatives of numerous other species.
Barbus a mutant
It is a fish that’s the straight “relative” of a Sumatran Barbus, thus, their sexual characters are near about equivalent:
- Females are pretty large and have bulging bellies.
- Men tend to be more powerful concerning color. Their scale shimmers a light green, however, during spawning, the nose does get red.
- As said, males are far more aggressive, they prefer to fight in between themselves, though for them it’s more of the game than the real fight
The color black
- Females end up on the larger size and possess rounded bellies.
- Males on the other hand are lighter, the black stripes go on to merge during the spawning, the front portion of a body is ruby red. In women, the stripes go on to become more obvious.
- Men of black Barbus may arrange presentation performances right in front of “ladies”: they push, fight, bite. This very behavior is only aimed to grab attention
And a tendency of the fishes to sort few things out is utilized via fishkeepers as, in those moments, the cherry barbs, another variety gets a bright color. To know further about tiger barb male or female, you may look over the web and gather more information.