Fiberglass is the commonly used wallpaper among all the other wallpapers. They are more durable and also environmentally friendly. The glass fiber is also known as the universal fiberglass and it uses the weaving method to create fiberglass Wallpaper Singapore. The fiberglass material is best in covering the damages like cracks and scratches on the walls. Let us look into some reasons why fiberglass is more popular among all the materials used to prepare wallpaper.
- The main advantage of fiberglass is that it can be used for a longer period without any issues. As it can resist the water it can be used in the bathrooms and kitchens where the chance of wetness is more.
- If you have pets at home then the fiberglass wallpaper is ideal for you as it is not easily torn and is scratches-free. You can allow your pets to move around the house without any worries of damage. It can even resist the chemicals which are used for cleaning.
- The design of the fiberglass looks like a knitted item. As the knitted item has loops in the same way the fiberglass does have the loops which help the movement of water vapor. Due to this, the dirty does not get stuck to the fiberglass wallpaper, and that in turn helps to maintain the climate of the room.
- It is environmentally friendly wallpaper as it does not allow any microorganism like fungus and molds to get settled in the wallpaper. It is advised to be pasted in the rooms of the people who are suffering from allergies or asthma as it does not attract dirt.
- The best part with the fiberglass is that it does not deform that means even if the wallpaper comes in contact with any furniture or human hands it does not change its shape. Fiberglass is such a material that will not get burned and it does not emit any injurious substances when it catches fire.
- The fiberglass wallpaper can be easily stuck to the walls, there is no need to hire a professional to do the job as anyone can do this work smoothly and perfectly. So you can save the high charges demanded by the professionals.
- The fiberglass lasts for a long if maintained properly then you can enjoy the wallpaper for more than a decade. You can find them in wide ranges like flowers, different patterns, and many more.
Hope you will for sure choose the fiberglass wallpaper when you are planning to renovate your walls.