JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is iconic and filled with colorful characters, a Japanese manga series. Way back 1980s, the said manga series was not that popular compared to the anime series Dragonball. Although this has happened during that time, it never stops to release new episodes until noticed by the viewers. Aside from the beautiful story, the characters of the story have hooked many readers to spend time with this particular manga series. Among the other characters, Jotaro Kujo from the Joestar family stands out.
Who is Jotaro Kujo?
In the story, Jotaro Kujo is the protagonist. Look at this Jotaro’s Article to know more about him and why he stands out among the other characters of the story. He appeared as a protagonist in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 3, 4, 5, and 6, as the third and most come and go character in the series. Jotaro has a delinquent life and living as an ordinary person until the old enemy of the Joestar family returns.
Jotaro and Family’s fate
The Joestar family, including Jotaro, has a tragic life. Upon the return of the family’s enemy, DIO, situations take an unexpected twist. Two people remained standing; Jotaro Kujo and Heaven Ascension DIO. Heaven Ascension DIO is a version with a special skill called “The World Over Heaven”. It can erase anything touched. The skill has the power to defeat the Joestars, except Jotaro. It happened that Jotaro Kujo outsmarts this version of DIO, he gained the powers of rewriting and erasing the world. Jotaro finally created a perfect world for the Joestars without the need to suffer their bloodline’s curse. With this better fate, it gives all the chance to Jotaro to become a better parent in the future for his daughter. In this version of Jotaro, he was 17 years old, making him prepare a better world for the Joestars and himself.
What secret of Jotaro’s hat
Fans are so curious about Jotaro Kujo’s hat. It turned out a topic of debate that made the fans come up with different opinions. First, Jotaro is wearing a weird hat, painted with his hair’s color. Second, half of his hair is styled after the hat. The answer to this debate is, it is a special hat styled for himself. The back of the hat with the cut-off part is styled to let his black hair come out while the top and frontal part is the hat itself. You would not expect that Jotaro is a stylish guy with his serious image. But, one thing that makes JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure protagonists with their tragic moments in lives, they don’t forget to look after their style.