Remember how little kids run around wearing Spiderman boots and Superman t-shirts? Well, this trend is still prevailing in 2021. But there has been new themes additions to the merchandise available in the market. Anime themed t-shirts, phone covers, mugs, pillows, and soft toys have taken over the Indian market in the blink of an eye. Considering the recent fanbase for anime movies and shows, it is not so surprising to see that anime stuff has its place along with customized merchandise of Marvel or DC themed accessories.
Anime in India
India has seen an inclining fan base for anime in the past few years. The lockdowns had taken a toll on people, and they turned to the most reliable source of entertainment- movies and TV shows. When people were looking for a change from the usual genres, anime showed them a whole different world of cinema. The binge-watching of shows increased during the pandemic, leading to a rise in the number of audiences. The relatability of the plots, exploration of human emotions in a different light provided much-needed moral support to the public. For many people, anime was not just another source of entertainment. It was a means to cope with existential crisis and seasonal depression associated with long term confinement.
Impact in marketplace
Has the recent surge of popularity affected the rest of the custom-made themes? Thereis no way to be sure. Anime themed items are also a part of various industries like clothing, ceramics, and room décor. Poster and pictures of favourite characters are a huge hit among anime fans. The anime stories are relatable to the audience. The quotes, emotions etc have touched the hearts of millions. This could be a plausible reason for the increase in apparel with prints of anime characters and quotes.
Did you know that anime has invaded the make-up and style arena too? Cute and classy, and dark and gothic etc are two of the many themes of characters. Clothes with anime prints, accessorized with pendants with anime-themed charms have made quite an impression lately.
Not just for girl fans, anime stuff is for every fan. The possibilities are endless when considering anime as a theme. Anime themed cakes and parties have made a huge impact on a large number of fans as well. Whenever a movie, show or game gains popularity among the youth, the merchandise with the respective theme is bound to make an impact on sales for a while. Anime is no different!