The world of electronic cigarettes has arrived for the well-being of human life. It does so because it will help you quit smoking which is harmful to health. Smoking can cause severe damage to your lungs and also is responsible for the occurrence of breathing problems. To reduce the effect of smoking, an electronic device is invented which will function to imitate the act of tobacco smoking with the help of tiny water droplets for inhalation. This will provide the same physical sensation as in traditional cigarettes, but the effect of this smoking is negligible in the comparison.
Uses of E-cig?
E-Cig is commonly known in the place of Electronic cigarettes. It is a small electronic device powered with the help of rechargeable batteries that are small in size. These batteries are provided in multiple forms. The outlook of the พอตไฟฟ้า is very similar to the natural, ordinary cigarette. The qualities like the taste and the smell also match the category of traditional cigarettes. The main difference or objective is that it does not affect how traditional cigarettes affect your body. Vapors are produced by electronic cigarettes, which look like the smoke produced by ordinary cigarettes.
Invention of E-cigarette
The invention of the E-cigarette was done in the year 2003, and the invention was by a Chinese scientist Dr. Hon Lik. Hon Lik was a pharmacist at Golden Dragon Holding. After the invention, the electronic cigarettes were launched in 2004. But the recognition of this product had taken almost 3 years and the product gained the recognition across the globe in 2007. The main objective behind the launching of electronic cigarettes was that this product will provide a safe and innocuous smoking.
Electronic cigarettes may vary in their brands but the functioning or mechanism of the E-Cig is still the same. Electronic cigarettes are considered the same as traditional cigarettes because E-Cigarettes also contains standardized foil pipeline. The foil pipeline in electronic cigarettes includes three main components used for the mechanism of E-Cigs. Those components are classified as the power supply for the e-cigs, provided by small rechargeable batteries, cartridges, and the vaporizer.